Enea Di Dio

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I am a SNF postdoctoral fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California (Berkeley).
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About me

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California (Berkeley), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. I am working on several theoretical and observational aspects of Large Scale Structures of the Universe. I am mainly interested in describing precisely the effects at the largest scales probed by next-generation surveys.

I graduated from ETH Zurich in 2010 and received my PhD from the University of Geneva in 2014. I have been postdoctoral fellow Observatory of Trieste (Italy) under the ERC granted cosmoIGM project.


I am interested in developing, testing and applying a relativistic formalism to describe the largest scales of the universe for different observables. Thanks to the relativistic description of galaxy clustering, cosmologists will fully profit from the huge amount of accurate data coming from future LSS surveys. I am particularly interested in the effects on largest scales, because they represent at the same time the regime where we expect newtonian theory to fail and they carry the neatest information about the primordial conditions of the universe.

During my research I have collaborated with Prof. Carlo Baccigalupi (SISSA, Trieste), Prof. Ruth Durrer (University of Geneva), Prof. Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore), Dr. Martin Kunz (University of Geneva), Prof. Julien Lesgourgues (Aachen University), Prof. Antonio Riotto (University of Geneva) and Prof. Matteo Viel (SISSA, Trieste).



A selection of my publications. You may find all publications on inspire


I have developed, in collaboration with Montanari, Lesgourgues and Durrer, the CLASSgal code to compute accurately and efficiently the redshift dependent power spectra of galaxy number counts including all the relativistic effects to linear order. For Gaussian initial perturbations, these quantities contain the full information encoded in the large scale matter distribution at the level of linear perturbation theory. The code has been adapted to include different survey dependent specifications.

Recently CLASSgal has been merged with CLASS. Therefore all the most recent updates, for instance the generalization of the galaxy number counts to non-flat universes, have been provided for CLASS only.

Teaching Experiences

I have worked as teaching assistant for the following courses:

Analysis I for Mechanical Engineering (at ETH Zurich, Fall Semester, 2007 and 2008)
Analysis II for Mechanical Engineering (at ETH Zurich, Spring Semester, 2008 and 2009)
Physics Laboratory for Biologists and Pharmacists (at university of Geneva, Fall Semester, 2010)
Classical Mechanics (at university of Geneva, Fall Semester, 2011)
Group Theory (at university of Geneva, Spring Semester, 2012 and 2013)
General Relativity (at university of Geneva, Fall Semester, 2012 and 2013)


Enea Di Dio
Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

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